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Download your free real estate flashcards
Study wherever and whenever you want!
Make studying for the real estate license exam fun and easy with these free downloadable real estate license exam flashcards.
With over 200 real estate terms and definitions, these flashcards are a great tool to help you study for and PASS the real estate license exam.
Simply submit your information, download the cards, and print them off. Study by yourself or with friends, when and where you want!
Download Your Flashcards
Why Colibri Real Estate?
We prepare you to get licensed and kick-start your career

Expert advice
Interact with industry experts during Live Q&A. With multiple sessions per week, you can get your course questions answered when it's convenient for you.

Knowledge retention
Maximize your study time with Smart Bites™, a learning methodology designed to help you pass your exam by breaking down real estate knowledge into small, memorable pieces.

Advanced LMS
Our learning management system gives you 24/7 access to course materials, along with built-in support and accountability tools. It's like having your own real estate mentor.